Camp Cuamba For Boys is a one of a kind day camp in Highland Park
Over the past 70 years, Cuamba has maintained its identity as a sports camp for boys (ages 6-10) that is unlike any other. Choosing Camp Cuamba is more than just going to a camp for the summer. Going to Cuamba for the summer means joining the Cuamba family and becoming a part of Cuamba history; a history that has been upheld by campers, counselors, and alumni, since 1948. This history has instilled sportsmanship, brotherhood, creativity, and unrivaled camaraderie for thousands of young campers over the years.
““Camp Cuamba is a unique, novel and extraordinary day camp experience. It’s grounded on fair play and sportsmanship, it’s intimate and individual, and it builds teamwork and life-long friendships. Take it from one who was a Cuamba camper, counselor and owner.”
-John Straus (camper 1959-61, counselor 1969, owner 1970-72)”
what we are all about
Find out about what makes Camp Cuamba the best camp on the North Shore!